Looking for help?

Has your child’s teacher, pediatrician, or therapist recommended a psychoeducation or neuropsychological evaluation for your child? Do you have concerns about your child’s learning, attention or hyperactivity difficulties, or other behavioral, emotional, or social difficulties? If so, the psychologists who specialize in assessment can provide comprehensive evaluations to get a better understanding of your child, their strengths and weaknesses, and what accommodations and interventions they would benefit from.

Contact us today to learn about how we can provide support to you, your child and your family.

We provide the following types of assessments:

Gifted Evaluations

  • Assesses cognitive and academic abilities to identify students who are eligible for gifted and talented programs as schools.

Psychological Evaluations

  • Assesses concerns related to emotional, psychological, social, and behavioral functioning.
  • Provides diagnostic information and offers for recommendations to guide treatment.

Psychoeducational Evaluations

  • Assess individual’s cognitive and learning abilities to gather information about strengths and weaknesses.
  • Recommended for students who are having difficulty in school. Psychoeducational evaluations assess for concerns that may be impacting learning, such as learning disorders or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
  • Provide a diagnosis to better understand areas of concern and recommendations for interventions and accommodations at school, college, or on standardized tests.

Neuropsychological Evaluations

  • Provide more in-depth information about areas that may be impacting individuals.
  • Assesses cognitive, academic, working memory, attention and concentration, learning and memory, language, visual processing, and motor abilities.
  • Used to assess for neurodevelopmental disorders such as learning disorders, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

The Evaluation Process

Prior to making an appointment one of our psychologists will provide a free consultation to offer you information about the evaluation process.

  • The evaluation process includes the following steps:
    • Intake: Parent/Caregiver appointment with the psychologist to obtain information about areas of concern and history. 
    • Assessment sessions: Client meets with the psychologist for 1-4 appointments (depending on the evaluation that will be provided). The psychologist may gather additional information from teachers, therapists, a school observation, etc.
    • Feedback: The psychologist meets with parents/caregivers or client to review information that was gathered in the evaluation and provide recommendations.


Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation.
Call 561-223-6568 or Fill out the Form Below.

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Same Day Scheduling,
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Assessment & Treatment
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